Been Ages

Im sorry. I've been slack. A serious lack of blogging has been going on, but not just here. Serious lack of blogging everywhere except Kylie's blog oh and Bonnie is pretty good too. How cool am I? Im sitting in bed blogging at midnight on a saturday night watching an elton john concert and drinking water from a bottle than my parents brought back from oman about 4 months ago and the lid doest really fit so it is spilling onto my lap. It kinda looks like Ive wet my bed, which I havent done in ages. I am not a total loser, i did go out earlier to edwina's for dinner. Hold on, some mutton just came on stage to sing with elton wearing pleather pants... perhaps they are similar to my pair I wore for the national air guitar championships. Anyway, went to Purple Sneakers last night too, was fun. I got drunk. I was at a photo shoot for OPSM all day too, which was nice, I organised it so it was at the beach. Bondi and Tamarama. I got sunburnt, no, I got tanned. I just had to pay the ATO $4000 in tax which is shit. Speaking of shit, i just saw an ad for this woman who is an Elvis tribute singer, her name is 'Elle-vis'. Gross. I have just been to her website and here is a picture of her. She's HOT HOT HOT.

I also opened a chicken shop.
angus only you would discover fem-elvis..
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