from class to crass
So I wrote this big post then lost it, so I'll be brief...
Went out with erica and karla to dinner on friday night (at our thai place mon). Work had given me super expensive champers for some good work i did so we drank that, and some more wine... then met tim and went to summit for a cocktail, all very classy and suprisingly this is when tim left and then we went all dodgy. Orient, followed by scruffy murphys. Erica picked up a random and karla and I turned around for one moment and then erica had gone, in a taxi with this dude apparently on her way to kings cross. crazy. good night gals. thanks.

Is that Ezrays pick up? He is cute but she looks slightly unimpressed!
i was about to write pretty much the exact same comment.
the look on her face says 'sure, i may have my arm around this guy but WHO THE FUCK IS HE?'
ps LOVE the self-photo the glass of beer took of itself with the girls. bootiful.
sarah, it was $70 champers, not beer. geez, Ive got class... (see other post about my wife, all class).
Our wine budget is 4 euros a bottle! If it aint 4 euros we aint buying it. SO fancy pants boy can't wait to hit Ireland with your champers!
Im having Corona. Im cooking nachos and though it was a good excuse.
Did you know if you volunteer your id in Sweden they give you free mints....revelation i tell you.
also, ezray, kp......looking hot.
Angus, put on some weight and grow some boobs.
can i borrow you boobs whitnall?
no im quite attached to them....get your own
Yes I think that was the random I picked up! And I think we had just kissed and I was thinking "damn caught on film. I hope he really is cute and it isn't just the beer goggles!" Ended up going to Showgirls with this particular random, only to run into Deaco, who I went to Porkys with, only to wander around there by myself like the random that I am, and then realise I was by myself, and then stumble home with a beer and pass out on my housemates bed. She's back gang! Love Ez xoxo
I like it! Good job. Go on.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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