Dragonfly is shit.

Pip came down to Sydney for a night to celebrate one of her friends birthdays. But we ended up going out till 6am. We started at dinner, but headed to the cross soon after. We went to dragonfly. What a bunch of pretentious fucking gits. Apart from the fact the same song seemed to be on when we got there and was still going 3 hours later when we left, they had no ATM and didnt accept credit at some of the bars, they seemed to say James was underdressed, but suddenly let him in when the 8 girls we were with decided if we couldnt get in then they wouldnt either, and most of all they ran out of drinks... i asked for extra dry - none... i asked for smirnoff black ice - none... i asked for jager redbull... NO JAGER. And you pay $20 to get it, for what? No drinks, a song that goes no where and a general pants fashion shoot. James and I used pip's lip gloss to adjust the cloakroom sign. Two girls that were booking stuff in didnt seem impressed when I asked them if they were on the list to get into the cloakroom, they said "umm, no its the cloakroom" and then they kept chewing. Then we made a hasty retreat to Empire, where we boggied the night away, with beth/dani/karla/kelly. Gooooood Times. Ok, so ive just spent all this time complaining, but I had a fucking awsome night. I totally dint flake either. You know how I usually have naps in the corner of the bars and stuff, well not that night. I was out till 6am, and I could have gone for longer, but I felt I should go home because I was hungry. I came home and ate a bag of ham and half a block of fetta cheese. Yum, yum.
a whole BAG of ham?
yes, a bag. at woolworths deli you get stuff in plastic bags. Incidently, my grandmother's initials spell BAG (Barbara Adair George) but dont think I am going to eat any ham from her.
Where is the new post for the week Angus?
Some of us have very boring jobs. Think of the little ppl please!
Big love to you bro, can't wait to see you in oct! We have to organise what we are doing!
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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