The Best Aussie Wine and the best Aussie Fashion
So on friday tim invited me to the Australian Wine show that he had tickets to. He had a spare one, so I brought a girl I work with, a lovely New Yorker called Jen. Im not the world most professional wine conneusier, i cant even spell connesier. Anyway, we went, drank some wine... The wines seemed to taste nicer as the evening went on, funny that. It was fun. It was at Darling Habour, so after we went for a stroll through habourside where we stubbled upon some fine Australian fashion that took my fancy. Im a bit paranoid that I am going to freeze in London, so I've been looking for some fine knitwear to keep me snug. Short of a matching Ken Done jumpsuit, this coogi jumper was the best I could find... and on sale for $59! Bargain!

Wow HOT angus...jajjaj
We should have given your blog address to Sue from the wine company.
"No Sue... don't worry what wine WE want to try. We want the wine YOU like to sit down with after a hard day at the wineries... which wine are you most proud of?"
You are sooooo gay. I think you rival the OPSM guy with that pout.
P.S. It's "connoisseur".
Fashion victim alert! You are going to fit in perfectly in Ireland!
And thanks for the invite tim!
Aren't you on holiday Siobhan? That means a break from me and the blogs... enjoy it while you can. Besides, I've re-written all you jobs with my terrible grammer and apawling spelling, Simon has lost all respect for you. And the OPSM guy's name is Tim, oh I just realised you didnt mean Tim the Laubman and Pank stylist.
angus, wear it in london. do it. wear it on the plane over. DO IT.
you know why?
cos it looks HOT.
you'll totally pick up on the plane.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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