So here was my last weekend. It was quite varied, on friday I cooked. Yes, I cooked. Potato, Tomato and meat. The old fav's for my old school friends. On saturday james and I ventured out to meet the girls at a 21st. It was at the Shelbourne, it cost us ten bucks to get into the pub, but the 21st was in a private room, suprisingly nice. So, there we tucked into the free drinks. I insisted we have at least 3 drinks in order to break-even from the $10 cover charge... in the end we made a profit.
After the speeches, of which I am still upset I was not asked to make, james and I went downstairs in order to avoid the awkwardness of not actually know the birthday girl. We felt much more at home with the Shelbourne skanks and hoes, they were fully sik in the toilets.
Eventually, I convinced my friends that they should follow me to an awesome club I know SPECTRUM. Have you ever heard of it? So cool. I continually warned them of the goths and freaks and just to ignore them. Eventually I realised that I was not doing the place any justice, but by that time we were in cabs on our way. The usual Spectrum night followed. JagerRedBulls, Towns called Malice, Dolly Parton. Hilary (having returned from Canada a day earlier) was tired and decided to go home. Twas at this point that Liz decided her drink had been spiked and left too. At the time we were all dismissive of this, but it infact turns out that her drink was spiked, but with some sort of laxative. Talk about having a shit night. What kind of a sicko spikes a drink with a laxative? Tubgirl/Goatse for those who know.
James, Em and I partied on. We left at around 5ish and trekked home. When I got back to my humble abode, I found I had lost my phone. I continually rang it untill a girl answerd. "Hello" She said. "Um, Hi. You've got my phone" I replied. "I know... you left it in a taxi." "Um, can I have it back?" "Yeah, I'll leave it at arthouse hotel". Long story short... I went to arthouse, got my phone, came home, went to bed... its 8am. Slept til 4.30pm.