I wrote this in Spain, just blogging it now...

So yeah, im in spain. We got two more days here so more blogging will
occour. First we went to Barcelona, well, thats not true, first we went to
reus. Which is some backwater town about 2 hours from barcelona that
ryanair has convinced to give them cheap flights to. Thats what you get for
a 1p flight.

We eventually got to bar-the-low-nar. It was cool. We wanderered around,
down to the port. Where we tried to get into the yacht club, they wouldnt
let us in. Dont they know who I am? My dad´s the commodore. So we went and
bought our own beer and sat in the sun by the seaside. Ola Espana!

Ok. So, spain loves its cured meats. I love my cured meats. I have never
eaten so much salami in my life. Its awesome. Finally, somewhere that
appreciates parma ham, more than my mother. And cheese, we have had too
much cheese my body is now repulsed by it. Im sick because of it.

It also has a beach. We went to it. Alex Switzer was in town too so we did
stuff with him. This is sarah enjoying the beach. A year of travelling
really ages someone. I think she looks kind of mank. She is going to sell
her skin to make a jacket, and boots if she has some spare.

We went out too. To this club called FANTASTICO. It was fantastico, to
begin with, but then slid seriously into crapness. Chris said "wouldnt it
be great if we walked in and town called malice was playing" and when we
walked in, it was. weird hey.

Oh and Ben Harper concert. That was awesome.
Then we went to valencia. We discovered it was cheaper to hire a car than
train it, so we did, chris drove in third gear for a large portion to begin
with, but once he figured out how to drive it was all good. Once in
Valencia we met mon. But that's to come in another post.
ahhh that is a great photo of good old tan face!
Meanwhile looking forward to unhappy parade ppl!
sounding goood Angus, keep me updated. Sheridan
i cannnnot wait for the parade blog!! get ready everyone sooo exciting!!!
ps i am now into that asian skin whitenign cream.
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