beyond my desk
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
How friday night started...

Oh my gosh, friday nights... they can be very very messy. This is how it started... with vicki and Siobhan, before they went home and I went to purple sneakers ect. How proud I was of siobhan, this is a picture of her in a cab before she went a spewed in her sink. Three words: "borrowed" wine from work (thanks siobhan you always are better with words), jager rebull, pure jager, tequilla and free champagne.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Your the voice
So when I was overseas I recorded a line of your the voice in a variety of different locations. I had intended to do it in every place I went, but often I forgot and various other things got in the way. Anyways, I did do some lines and Ive put it together for your viewing pleasure. I forgot some of the line and recorded some again accidently, but you still get the jist. Enjoy.
The lines go like this: Tokyo, train to scotland, london, new years night in scotland, top of empire state building in new york, statten island ferry in front of the statue of liberty new york, horse riding on isle de ometepe nicaragua, climbing the volcano in nicaragua, antigua in gutemala (two shots), mayan ruins in tical gutemala and finally at the zocalo the heart of mexico city.
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Im the Crown Commodore

So, I went sailing today for the first time in 3 years. My dad, sorry... the Commodore, was expecting me to fully crash and sink. But alas he was wrong. We were flying! It was like riding a bike, but better that is if you have ever seen me ride a bike. When I say it was like riding a bike I mean it just comes back to you and you remember how to do it. I fell out of the boat though. We were going fairly fast and I was leaning out to keep us flat, but effectively, I lent to far and ended up in the water. I held onto the tiller dragging behind the boat for a few moments untill the whole boat capsized. But we recovered and survived to sail another day.
Saturday, February 11, 2006

So the young las that sits next to me at work decided quite abruptly that I smelt to much and decided to move... to hong kong. So we went out and got pissed. Work paid. Here are some photos of me drinking. After 5 or so weeks of testing new unfamilar alcoholic beverages from various global destinations, I decided to return to my old friend jagermeister & red bull. Oh, how I missed ye. I got these photos off Siobhan, my copywriter at work (we agreed not to call each other our "partner" anymore because people get confused). Anyway, she is in most of them and as usual, so am I.
Angus' Final thought: Wherever you are in the world, try and hug a stranger... keep hugging. You may need to use them when you fly American Airlines, because you don't get given a lifejacket, you are supposed to use part of the seat.