Im the Crown Commodore

So, I went sailing today for the first time in 3 years. My dad, sorry... the Commodore, was expecting me to fully crash and sink. But alas he was wrong. We were flying! It was like riding a bike, but better that is if you have ever seen me ride a bike. When I say it was like riding a bike I mean it just comes back to you and you remember how to do it. I fell out of the boat though. We were going fairly fast and I was leaning out to keep us flat, but effectively, I lent to far and ended up in the water. I held onto the tiller dragging behind the boat for a few moments untill the whole boat capsized. But we recovered and survived to sail another day.
Shame shame shame, what sort of crown prince are you? cant even keep the bloody boat upright, excuse my ignorance but isnt keeping the boat afloat and upright one of the basic skills of sailing? Maybe instead of using the "like riding a bike" analogy you could use your "like my driving a car"..... Cool blog though. Send my love to Chev
shut up chris
i thought keeping things up was your problem, not mine.
well, thats what she said to me.
aaaaaaa. yea... no wait i mean NO!
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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