I'll preface this post with 3 things:
1. Whenever I talk to my grandmother, she is deeply concerned that I am not eating enough.
2. My mother and sister sent me a handmade recipe book full of old favorites that I can cook from, except can often be hard when the british call things different names. Do you know what "mange trut" is? Its a bean people... A GREEN BEAN! And apart from the fact it is more expensive, what is the difference between 'Sour Cream' and 'Creme Friache'?
3. I have come a long way from just doing the tomatos, I've become a bit of a master chef and wanted to prove it to you all. Here are some recent dishes....
I was so proud of this one.
Fresh ingredients from Borough Markets, whipped up in a jiffy for Em and Hilary. The beef was at a bargin british price of £20 ($50) to feed the 4 of us.
London is a land of currys galore, so i decided to embrace the idea one sunday. Agreed with us on the night, was delicious! Did not agree with Chris the next day.
Can't really remember what this was, but it would be a fair bet it was pork, considering it is the only meat you do not have to take a mortgage out on to buy it.
Love it. I want to marry it and make it an honest woman. Bangers George.
They usually tell you to have a nice red or white wine with dinner, but why? When you can have a litre and a half of Sainsbury's Gin? (lasted 2 weeks, we'll miss you old girl).
Like those kids that were under 'absent' on the school photos, i feel i should also mention these worthy, yet un-photographed meals....
Lamb, Rack of
Tomatos, Slow-roast Balsamic
Potatos, Smashed
Potato-Salad, Morrocan
Chicken, Petso Stuffed
Noodle, Two Minute
you've done an edwina and become 23-going-on-73
you're catching up to me.
ps i think i am having dinner with your sister and your mother tonight, no doubt in one of alice's fine establishments. it's a bit weird having dinner with the in-laws without you.
when are we doing gourmet club next kids? i think we should try to do one every 5 years, with a minimum of 5 original gourmet club members. all meetings obviously have to be blogged.
I'm happy to host the next Gourmet Dinner Club... perhaps in September when Mon is back in town?
Perhaps I can resurrect the Balsamic Tomatoes as a tribute to you not being able to attend Gus?
I'll dig some more gourmet club grub.
I say we meet in central China. It's kind of halfway.
P.S. Angus - in the kitchen, did you indulge in a bit of Gordon Ramsey behaviour and tell Chris to f*ck off for not enjoying reliving the magic of the curry??
i'll come to gourmet club! september sounds very nice. very nice.
maybe the next one could be held online.
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