What gang are you in?
South London has had a few serious gun crimes of late, one just round the corner from us too, which is nice. A boy, 15, got shot in his living room. Apparently it is all to do with guns, gangs and lots of other things like lack of fatherly figures. But where do we fit into all of this? Well, According to the newspaper, we live in no man's land, between two gang's territories. I dont know if this is a good thing or bad thing. In one sense we are not hassled by scary dudes who appear from ally ways to offer us drugs (or a laptop out of a moving car window as I have once experienced). But then we are also the area between two gangs so they potentially could clash in this neutral zone. Lucky I grew up on the hardened, gritty streets of Sydney's eastern suburbs.

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i want to know where peel dem crew got its name. Do they have an obbsession for mandarins or maybe 'clemintines'.......
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